
Force Majeure Clause in Agreement to Sell Sample

A force majeure clause is a common provision found in agreements to sell. As a professional, it`s important to understand what this clause is and its implications for the parties involved.

A force majeure clause is a contractual provision that excuses performance in the event of an unforeseeable event that is beyond the control of either party. These events may include natural disasters, terrorist attacks, wars, or pandemics, among others. When such an event occurs, the force majeure clause would release both parties from their obligations under the agreement to sell.

In other words, a force majeure clause is a safety net that protects the parties from liability for failure to perform due to circumstances beyond their control. This clause is usually included in agreements to sell to ensure that the parties are not held responsible for events that are outside of their control.

For example, consider a situation where a seller agrees to sell a house to a buyer, but before the closing date, there is a hurricane that causes significant damage to the property. In this scenario, the force majeure clause would excuse the seller from their obligation to complete the sale until the property is repaired. Similarly, the buyer would not be responsible for any damages caused by the hurricane.

It`s important to note that force majeure clauses are not automatic and must be carefully drafted to ensure they are valid and enforceable. The clause must clearly identify the events that would trigger its application and the consequences of those events. The parties should also consider the time frame for invoking the clause, the notice requirements, and any obligations that must be fulfilled before the clause can be invoked.

In conclusion, a force majeure clause is an essential provision in agreements to sell, especially in uncertain times like today. As a professional, it`s important to ensure that such clauses are properly drafted to protect the interests of both parties and to ensure the agreement is valid and enforceable.

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